Miss Steph, Kayleigh, Kennedy, and Emmy share a moment.
Kodak moment.
Kennedy swings with her role model Emmy.
Ansley and I attempt to get into the action with a self portrait.
Welcome to our blog. This is our attempt to chronicle, record, and track the daily events of our lives, both simple and extraordinary (sometimes even extraordinarily ordinary [that's a tongue twister]). Irregardless, we are truly blessed to have one another, cherished friends, and family. Above all, we all blessed beyond measure to have the love of Christ. He is truly the glue the keeps us together. Hithero, we hope you enjoy the page and get to know us better!
Ansley "gets" Kennedy.
Kisses for Ansley.
Fun times.
Kennedy chases a ball.
Songs, songs, songs. Kennedy breaks out her version of "Jesus Loves Me."
Bath time is never boring.
As you can imagine, meal time is important in the Applegate household (at least for myself). In the back of my head, my mental "food clock" is always ticking with the fear that I will miss a meal at some point in the day (sad, but true). My wife and friends from work can attest to this and also tell embarrassing stories about me to back up this claim.
In giving this background info, the attached videos show a typical meal time for Kennedy. I'm sure you will also be amazed by the nutritious standards maintained by the Applegates. The first video shows Kennedy eating broccoli and dip; the 2nd video shows her eating a Kennedy staple, a chicken and cheese sandwich.
Broccoli and dip are always tasty.
Chicken and cheese sandwich, topped off with milk from a princess cup. Does life get any better?