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Tuesday, September 9, 2008


When Kennedy is quiet for 10 minutes in a room by herself, it is a safe assumption that she is "up to something." With that as the premise, the following conversation happened between Kennedy and her mother:

Mom: "What were you doing in there? (playroom)"

Kennedy: "I put some stickers on my belly"

Mom: "Really? Can I see?"

Kennedy proceeds to lift her shirt to show the stickers she has placed on her belly (see below). Why does she like placing stickers on her belly? That is a great question to which there is no answer. While we often find random princess, pony, sesame street, or glittery pictures on her stomach at bath time, this episode took the cake.

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1 comment:

Molly, Chris, & Dillon Powell said...

When she gets older I bet you find a tatoo on her some day! Just a permanent sticker right???