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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Kennedy / Lucy Post

First, I would like to register an apology for not having a blog post in 8 days. I blame this on 3 factors (I refuse to take personal responsibility): 1) I threw my back out again (yeah, I'm old); 2) Molly uses the computer too much; and 3) we were in Michigan City with our good friends, the Shultz's, this past weekend.

Secondly, the Michigan City trip was a blast. We are blessed to have such great friends like Cody, Jenny, Lucy, and now Finn. Thanks for your friendship and hospitality. It's always fun....

Third, one of Kennedy's best friends happens to be Lucy Shultz, a very sweet girl who sadly lives a couple hundred miles from us. Anyway, I devote this blog to them. They were sooooooooo stinkin' cute this weekend. I'll be sure to post pictures to prove that our other daughter was with us over the weekend (or anybody else for that matter). Highlights from the weekend included: running fast, jumping on the bed, playing with the babies, bath time in the jacuzzi (don't ask), running naked (don't ask), going down the slide, and searching for guacamole treasure (I'm leaving this explanation for Cody... maybe I'll expand on this in the future).

Enjoy the pictures and videos. It was good times by all... with only a few meltdowns (not bad).

Kennedy and Lucy love babies.

Kennedy and Lucy will be thankful I cropped this picture. Let's just say they weren't encumbered with heavy layers of clothing.

The girls pose at the beach outside of the house we stayed in.

The path to the "big" beach (Lake Michigan)
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Which daddy is tougher? (there was no prompting here)

1 comment:

Pam Markley said...

so I am stalking the applegate blog! I didn't know it existed until catching up on old friends on facebook! Your lives have sure changed! I go to Africa and come back with you having two lovely girls!

So..I have one question pertaining to this post...

where is the video of the daddy's leg wrestling?