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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fun with Horses

Last weekend, we experienced the most exciting Saturday that we have experienced in months. What exciting endeavor were we engaged in? Nothing. We literally had nothing on our calendar (no appointments, dinner dates, parties, fiestas, or birthday parties). This is rare in the Applegate household. So how did we celebrate this rare occurence? We headed to the 4-H fairground to watch a horse show.

Our babysitter's (Dondee) daughter (Ale) was participating in one of her first horse shows and we wanted to support her. This might have been the most "free" fun (if this term exists) we have had in eons. If Kennedy gets her wish, we will buy a horse for her next week.

Although we didn't have a chance to watch Ale compete in the competition, we got to see her ride her horse in the practice arena and meet some of the other riders and horse. Good times.

Dondee introduces Kennedy to Bullwinkle, Ale's horse. He's quite a stud. Literally.

Mom and Kennedy. Check out mom's sunglasses... she got them for $1.00 at Target at they cover 1/4 of her face.

Ansley enjoys the confines of her car seat.

Kennedy watches the horses in the practice corral. She was mesmerized.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha molly's glasses look like on TV when they are protected someone's anonymity so they have a black bar across their eyes.

Love, Emmy