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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Little Mommy (or Molly)

This is probably not a shock to most of you, but Kennedy is a tiny version of her mother (except that she has blue eyes and blonde hair). Kennedy sponges Molly's mannerisms, phrases, and everything else she does. In fact, they share many unique qualities, such as being obsessive compulsive, having Type A personalities, and having a love for clothes. Tonight I got a glimpse into my future as Molly and Kennedy had a spirited debate about some of the clothes in Kennedy's closet. Like mother like daughter. And I love it.

Like her mom, she loves her babies and loves to take care of them. In the picture below, she is talking to her baby Jane.

Boys and girls are so different. At this age, I was smashing matchbox cars, crafting swords and guns out of sticks, and throwing rocks at everthing.

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1 comment:

Craig said...

Kelly, be real. At Kenny's age you were playing with dolls and trying on pretty dresses (or dresses you thought made you pretty)