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Sunday, October 19, 2008

A weekend in Ft. Lauderdale

Let me break this down to you... it's 9:30 on a Sunday night and Molly has been in bed for an hour. The kids were in a bed at least an hour before bedtime, and I am fighting to keep my eyes open as I type this blog entry to finish my day. Do I have pictures? Unfortunately, no.

However, Molly and I just spent the weekend in Ft. Lauderdale. Her company graciously invited me down to accompany her on her work trip (thanks AmDoc). In addition to spending 3 nights without the kids, we also had a chance to hang out with Molly's brother Joe and his wife Liz. It was great to spend time with them and we found out that Liz is now pregnant (just kidding). We had a blast hanging out on Joe's boat, except for the fact that I got seasick and we didn't catch any fish (it was still a blast). Another highlight included the Seafood Extravaganza buffet at the Ft. Lauderdale Yacht Club (again, thanks AmDoc). It was incredible.

I could talk about more stories from the weekend, which include a harrowing sprint through Charlotte's airport to make our connecting flight, losing our luggage today, Molly leaving her driver window fully down in the long-term parking lot, our complete inability to follow the most basic directions, Molly almost getting a ticket for a U-turn on the interstate, my lack of proper etiquette (according to Molly) on airplanes and in basic society, and the interesting / disturbing passengers we always seem to meet.... however, I won't. I'm tired and it is now 9:45. I also don't have any pictures for which I apologize. Thanks to our parents for watching the girls and giving us this weekend together... it was much needed. It's good to be home and back with the girls. Adios for today.

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