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Friday, August 29, 2008

Dinner Time

Why is it so much fun to take pictures of babies getting messy? Ansley is a very messy eater, and each meal becomes an adventure (she like to suck her thumb after every bite of food, make "scrunched up" faces at us, wipe peas on her forehead, and grab her bowl of food when we aren't watching).

I digress.... enjoy the following pictures, which are an inside look at meal time.

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1 comment:

Jaysi said...

Kelly,these pictures are adorable!! I had to laugh, because Finn eats the same way. He shoves his fist in his mouth after each bite and makes all kinds of noises. He can't eat without doing it! He and Ansley would make quite a pair! Hmmmm....Ansley Madigan? It has a nice ring to it!!