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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fun times in January

Here is Kennedy posing for a picture. She's finally at that age where she's trying to smile for the camera (sort of, I guess)
Here is dad and Kennedy working on blowing out a birthday cake. Don't let those candles fool you... her dad is now 31 as of 1/12/08. Yikes.

In this picture, we see the three youngest members of the McHugh clan: Ella McHugh, Emily McHugh, and Kennedy Applegate. Guess who is the oldest?
Kennedy is patting the Bible and telling us about Jesus. Pretty cool huh? However, she later asks to look at my Bible, which is a Bible full of color pictures for kids (My Bible was a hand-me down from my sister; she had this Bible when she was 10). Trust me, my Bible rocks.
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