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Friday, May 14, 2010


In today's blog, I am not adding any photos (sorry). Instead, I'll write about a range of topics that are on the cusp of my mind. For starters, our soon-to-be 4-year-old daughter Kennedy is leaving tomorrow morning with my mom on a 10-day trip to Montana. As awesome as this will be, I'm realizing how much we're going to miss her. She'll have an amazing time meeting my extended family and getting the full experience.

Secondly, on a serious note, our prayers go out to many of you (some who might be reading this) for your difficult weeks, marriages, health issues, job stress, or any other items I have left off of this list. Isn't life difficult at times? We try to live each day to our fullest but we struggle with broken relationships, fatigue, or maybe even apathy. Seriously, we're praying that you can trust in God to meet all of your needs. From Proverbs, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Acknowledge Him (God) in all your ways and he will set your path straight."

Third (and I hope like I don't sound like a broken record), but I'm continually grateful for the people in our lives. This past week I keep trying to remind myself that I need to "Love People, Use Things" and not "Love Things, Use People." This seems obvious, but wow we mess this up on a daily basis.

Fourth, photogrphaphy... it's been amazing starting this part-time business. Thanks to those of you who have taught me, allowed me to take your photos, and even bounce my ideas off of you. In fact, the best part of photography (portraits, weddings, etc...) has been the opportunity to spend time with people. Really fun for an extravert like myself. I tell Molly that I'm a closet intravert, but we all know this isn't true.

Fifth, if you made it through this entire blog, you have earned a pat on the back. Remind me about this next time I see you! Cheers and have a great weekend. God bless,


BandBbaby said...

Kelly thanks for this blog! I know we havent got to tell you yet but I lost my job on Thursday and I am really struggling. I am am trying to find peace in God's plan and timing. I am really scared and full of worry but I know that we have a just and awesome God that will provide. Thanks for the prayers.
Brooke and Brandon

Jaysi said...

You are such a great guy Kelly. I really wish we lived closer to you and Molly. I miss you guys soooo much. If we make it to the 'ville this summer I would love for you do take some pictures for us :)

I will pray that Kennedy has a safe and amazing trip.

Kelly said...

Hey friends! Thanks for stopping by... we love you guys. God bless and see ya soon!