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Saturday, April 11, 2009

More Sanibel

Overall, it's been a great week, but we are soon coming to a close. Although it's a bummer to go back to the real world, there is something familiar and nice about getting back into our normal schedules and routines (i.e. exercise, trying to eat healthy, but NOT waking up at 5:30 in the morning.)
There have been many fun things that have happened this week: we discovered the awesomeness of the bike "trailer" with plans to find one at garage sales, Kennedy overcame her fear of the ocean when her newfound friend Kate taught her to scoop water in a bucket, and we met 80-year-old Merle from down the street (she was a delight). Besides that, we've enjoyed family time, having little or no agenda, and doing our best to prevent sunburns.

Molly and I pose with Ansley at a picnic in town.

Mom and Ansley watch the ocean.

Guess who likes the ocean?

Sharing a bucket... sort of

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